Allied Academies

Female Genital Surgery

Female Genital Surgery

Female genital mutilation surgery is a broad term that includes many procedures including labial surgery, clitoral reduction, labiaplasty, vaginal plasty, and g-point amplification. The event itself is traumatic as the girl is detained during the procedure. Risks and complications increase with the type of FGM, are more severe, and are more common in infiltration. Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a procedure performed on a female or girl to alter or damage the genitals for reasons other than medical reasons. In most cases, it is necessary to remove all or part of the external genitalia. FGM is a violation of the basic human rights of girls and women in some of countries. Surgery that changes the appearance of the genitals is sometimes called "aesthetic genital surgery". Female genital remodeling, or labia minora surgery, is aimed at changing the size and shape of the medial or labia minora. Cosmetology of female reproductive organs, cosmetology surgery, or cosmetic gynecological surgery is a general term for various surgical procedures performed to improve the appearance or function of the vulva.

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