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Burn Care and Surgery

Burn Care and Surgery

Burns can be treated surgically by tangential resection, facials resection, or amputation. The principle is to remove all necrotic tissue and leave a viable dermis on the wound bed. The purpose of reconstructive burn surgery is to improve both the function and appearance of burn scars. Scar tissue changes with both non-surgical and surgical treatments. The relationship between burn patients and reconstructive burn surgeons often lasts for years. Burns that affect the face, hands, feet, genitals, or large joints. Three burns that can appear whitish, burnt, or translucent on the burned area without the sensation of pinning. Burns that cover more than 10% of the entire body surface. Electrical or chemical burns. Even relatively small burns can leave scars, and people who have burned most of their body often have to deal with scars that spoil their appearance. Reconstructive surgery can reduce scarring and restore the appearance of the affected area. Burn reconstruction surgery is a procedure performed by a plastic surgeon after the first wound of a burn has healed. The purpose of the operation is to enhance the function and restore the appearance of the skin. Some of these steps require months of preparation to improve scar tissue.

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